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【与党同心 与国同行】中国书画领航巅峰人物——陈京水

国际教育信息网 2021-01-29


陈京水,字子柔、大熭,号柔斋。1964年生,山东济南历城人,北京大学艺术学院首届中国画高级研修班学员,中国共产党党员,中国书法家协会会员,中国书法美术家协会会员,中国文联名誉顾问。获中国当代优秀人民艺术家称号,获中国书画艺术最高奖项金菊花奖,获达芬奇国际艺术大赛金奖,获意大利中国文化年艺术巡展杰出艺术家荣誉称号。中央电视台播出了20分钟《写意人生—陈京水》专题片。华人频道《华人会客厅》播出了28分钟专访视频:《用文化和线条塑造精神》。出版发行了《1999—2019澳门回归祖国陈京水专题邮票邮册》,出版发行了《翰墨大爱 艺术抗疫—艺术名家陈京水丝绸珍藏册》。

Chen Jingshui, the word is soft, big and soft. Born in Licheng, Jinan, Shandong Province, in 1964, he was a student of the first advanced Chinese painting seminar of Peking University Art College, a member of the Communist Party of China, a member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of Chinese Calligraphy Artists Association, and an honorary consultant of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. He was awarded the title of outstanding contemporary Chinese artist, the Golden Chrysanthemum Award, the highest award of Chinese painting and calligraphy art, the gold medal of Da Vinci International Art Competition, and the honorary title of outstanding artist of Italian Chinese Culture Year Art Tour Exhibition. CCTV broadcasted a 20-minute feature film "Freehand Life-Chen Jingshui". Chinese channel "Chinese Living Room" broadcast a 28-minute interview video: "Shaping Spirit with Culture and Lines". Published "Special Stamp Album of Macao's Return to Motherland Chen Jingshui from 1999 to 2019", and published "Hanmo Love Art for Anti-epidemic-Famous Artist Chen Jingshui Silk Collection".





Speech from the new era: study for life, strive forever, follow the party and keep the four directions.


Wise words: people first, life first, study hard and make progress every day; Sinking the community, helping the enterprises, going to the countryside, and being well-off in an all-round way. The Buddha of Shanghe Shifang has a wonderful sense of mind and the same kindness as Buddha Tathagata; All the six sentient beings in the next ten parties share the same sadness with all sentient beings.





Motto: Rejuvenate the era of poetry and fu writing, purify the mind and copy the true scriptures. Trust yourself, trust science


Life motto: Heaven gives us a great responsibility, but I will give it up. Inherit the law, be diligent and brave, and have great willingness


Wise words: Be weak and foolish. A man's real property lies in the cultivation of his nature.





Innovative Suggestions and Views on Chinese Painting and Calligraphy




Don't talk about innovation, talk about character: character is not high, writing is impossible. Talking about reading: Sitting idly in a small window to read Zhouyi, I wonder how long spring will go. Talking about writing: the calligraphy is true, good and beautiful, and the heart is full of songs. Talking about painting: painting mountains, painting water and painting my heart. Talking about writing poetry: poetry expresses ambition. Talking about universities: things have their origins and ends, and things begin at the end. If you know what you know first and last, you will get a shortcut. Talk about the Doctrine of the Mean: Destiny is nature, willfulness is Tao, monasticism is teaching, and Tao is also. Those who can't leave, can leave, are not Tao. Talking about Laozi: Heaven has knowledge, doing nothing, doing nothing. On shigamuni: a good horse flies at the sight of a whip. Talking about the great cause: set the ambition of the world, set the industry of the world, and break the doubts of the world. Talking about the homology of painting and calligraphy: the calligrapher must be good at painting, calligraphy is difficult to achieve charm, the painter is good at books, and poetry, painting and calligraphy are integrated. Talking about the cultural spirit: Yoga Yu is the best without intention, and has the skills to advance. The metaphysical person is the way, the metaphysical person is the device, and the middle person is the image. Talking about pen and ink: Five strokes and seven inks, pen and ink are equal to zero, while learning from nature, you can get the heart. On aesthetics: rich ideological content, exquisite artistry and lofty ethereal nature. On aesthetics: all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique and beauty. Talking about religion: Be a true religious monk instead of being a political monk or an economic monk. Talk about realm: natural realm, utilitarian realm, moral realm, heaven and earth realm, where are you? Talking about inheritance: inheriting tradition, copying and copying, as long as the time is deep, the iron pestle is ground into an embroidery needle. Talking about fame and fortune: it is only because there are few merits. Talking about merits and virtues: Dayu governs water, if it is fruitful, it will be virtuous. Talk about true temperament: to be like, to be like, to interact with the spirit of heaven and earth alone, to paint Man Jing spirit, and to paint fairyland. Talking about the ancient Greek goddess, innocent and undefended. On creating the future and leading the world to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation. God said, the world step in the sun and the moon, don't talk about innovation.


May 6, 2014





























【与党同心 与国同行】中国书画领
【与党同心 与国同行】中国书画领

王全博, 1940年出生,男,汉族...[详细]
