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翰墨国韵 大国崛起 重点推荐艺术名家——黄吴怀

国际教育信息网 2021-02-04
















  2020年9月获得国礼艺术网授予的“传世艺术家”荣誉称号。2020年十一月中国艺术品展销中心授予“大国工匠 光荣称号”。



  Art resume:

  Huang Wuhuai, born in 1939, originated in Wuxuan County, Laibin City, Guangxi, and now lives in Beijing. Graduated from Beijing Communication University in 1964, retired as a senior reporter and director editor of CCTV. He is a member of the Chinese calligraphy Association, a member of the standing Committee of the Chinese Art Society, a member of the standing Committee of the Chinese Art Society, an art director of the Art style column of Chinese Satellite TV, a vice chairman of the Chinese calligraphy Art Research Association, a vice chairman of the United Nations artists Association, a vice chairman of the World Chinese artists Association, a senior academician of the Chinese calligraphy and painting Academy in Tokyo, vice president of the Chinese calligraphy and painting Association, and the first honorary consultant of the Chicago American-Chinese Culture and Art Center. Vice Minister of Art Development of China National Literary and Art Association, Art consultant of World Chinese Art Network, Honorary Dean of Songzhuang International calligraphy and painting Institute, Honorary Chairman of Xinhua character Network. In August 2011, one of Mao Zedong's calligraphy works "Qinyuan Spring Snow" was collected by the Great Hall of the people.

  In January 2013, he was appointed Honorary Academician and visiting Professor of the Royal Academy of Arts.

  In July 2019, he was awarded the honorary title of "World Treasure Artist" by the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts.

  In September 2019, he was hired as a signed artist by the Chinese Collection Guide Network.

  In September 2019, he was named the most valuable artist in contemporary China by the Art Evaluation Committee of China Collection Guide Network and China Collection Guide Network.

  In September 2019, he was hired as a lifelong foreign academician by the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts.

  In September 2019, he was appointed honorary president of the New Silk Road International Academy of calligraphy and painting.

  In May 2019, he was awarded "the Ten avant-garde figures in New China" by the Tongyi Museum of Culture and Art in Beijing.

  In October 2019, he was awarded "70 meritorious artists in the founding of the people's Republic of China" by the National Art Publishing House.

  Admitted as a member by the Chinese Collector Association in October 2019

  In October 2019, he was appraised as the master of Chinese ritual art by Chinese artist Runge net and China State Rite Publishing House.

  In November 2019, it was awarded by Chinese calligraphy and painting yellow page net and Chinese state ritual publishing house to "the six great craftsmen of the great craftsman".

  In September 2020, the International Art Investment Collection Network awarded the honorary title of "the most valuable and potential artist in the world".

  In September 2020, he was awarded the honorary title of "Legend Artist" awarded by Guoli Art Network. In November 2020, the China Art Exhibition and Marketing Center awarded the "glorious title of a major craftsman."

  In December 2020, the market value was evaluated by Chinese artist Runge net at 100000 to 180000 yuan per square foot.

  In life, calligraphy is regarded as the flow of life, in the calligraphy art garden, ploughing is not embellished. While inheriting the traditional calligraphy art, we deliberately pursue personality, artistry, appreciation and sense of the times, integrate a variety of books into their own works, and enter the realm of grass, line and letters. In the past ten years, works created have participated in national calligraphy and painting exhibitions in national museums many times. A collection of Chinese calligraphy published by People's Daily, Beijing Evening News, Beijing Youth Daily, Beijing TV Station, "Chinese Collection", "Classical Chinese Modern calligraphy and painting" and "Chinese calligraphy everyone" published by Chinese Art Collection magazine Dozens of newspapers, books, periodicals, networks and media published and introduced by the people's Network, the Chinese calligraphy and painting auction Network, Yachang Network and the calligraphy Art Network sponsored by the Chinese calligraphy and painting Publishing House have been loved and collected by calligraphy enthusiasts and collectors at home and abroad. CCTV leaders visited abroad as gifts to political dignitaries of various countries and were praised by Israeli President Weizman.

  Appreciation of works:





  Chinese calligraphy pays attention to the content of writing to be consistent with the calligrapher's spirit, condensed in the end of the pen, flowing in pen, so that the works form an organic whole from font to writing content. The calligrapher appeals to emotion in creation, endow poetry with vivid sensual enjoyment, just like a picture on the paper, is the so-called "book to the extreme book like painting, painting to the point of painting like a book"; The ancients said "painting and calligraphy homologous" is also this truth. That is to see the calligraphers carry out the ancient historical track, but also to examine the broad mind.

  In the history of calligraphy, everyone has a unique and distinct style of writing, character, personality to build the world, from this point of view, Mr. Huang Wuhuai is well deserved.

  He put oracle bones, big seal script, Han tablet, Hanli, line grass and other fonts concentrated deformation, integration into one; At the same time the combination of large grass brushwork makes the work continuous. His brush strokes, not rigidly conceptualized norms, but readily germinate, or in or side, or square or round, or hidden or dew, or convergence or vertical, touch shape; Its body, is good at following the shape of cloth, or extravagance, or collection, or even rely on interspersed, should be hidden hand. In the concrete and abstract, shows the art essence of Chinese painting and calligraphy homologous; In the mountain cloud shadow, sail fluttering, interpretation of the Chinese characters profound pictographic expressiveness. This combination makes the text become a stone and iron sound, elegant free and easy, majestic, natural and Tao, like Tiancheng. And this unique writing style contributed to and eventually laid his unbreakable independent position in the book world.

  黄吴怀先生善于博采众长为我所用,更善于从中建立自己的书法品味和书写性格,他的书法作品体现出一种与众不同的气质,好似天然偶得,信手拈来,又像倚情而作,直抒胸臆,点画间,落笔坦荡,笔底遒劲有力,千回百转中,游荡出天真豪情。既有苏轼笔法的丰腴跌宕,又似黄庭坚纵横昂藏的挺拔,细观之,可见米芾俊迈豪放的沉 着痛快感,又或可见二王,张旭,怀素之风。字势险峻跌宕,有一种奇峰交错、万壑奔流的气势;通过干湿浓淡等方法使其交相辉映,虽为汉字,却有着丰富多变的画面层次感;在他的诸多作品中,往往点上奇妙的一笔,使书法作品绽放出画的灵韵,渗透着一股端庄之美和荡气回肠之魂,在沉雄博大的书法质感中透出温润、儒雅、灵动、生机盎然的光泽,具有一种流动的韵律美。正可谓是于古雅大度中见趣味,于浩然正气中显风骨,将刚柔并济拿捏得入木三分,把握得出神入化,那紧密结体所流动的韵味是最令人称奇,堪称熔古标新!

  Huang Wuhuai is good at drawing on the best of others for my use, but also good at establishing his calligraphy taste and writing character, his calligraphy works reflect a different temperament, Like a natural occasional, free hand, but also like relying on feelings, straight to express their feelings, between the painting, pen magnanimous, powerful pen base, thousands of turns, wandering out of innocent pride. Both Su Shi's style of writing is rich and full, but also like Huang Tingjian's upright and upright. On a microscopic view, we can see Mi Fu's bold and unrestrained pain and pleasure, or see the wind of two kings, Zhang Xu and Huai Su. The word potential precipitous ups and downs, there is a kind of strange peaks staggered, the momentum of the river; Through dry and wet and heavy shade and other methods to make them reflect each other, although Chinese characters, but with a rich and varied picture hierarchy; In his many works, he often points a wonderful stroke, so that the calligraphy works bloom with the spirit of painting, permeated with a dignified beauty and soul-stirring soul, In the profound calligraphy texture reveals a gentle, elegant, clever, vibrant luster, with a flowing rhythmic beauty. Is in the quaint magnanimity see interest, in the Hao Ran Zhengqi show character, The rigidity and softness of the Ji Jin pinch to get into the wood, grasp the magic, that tight knot by the flowing charm is the most amazing, called melting ancient standard new!


  Lu Xun once said that Chinese characters have "beauty of meaning," "beauty in shape," under the role of the wonderful pen, Under the function of the composition, it will form a kind of impact on people's hearts of artistic tension, Mr. Huang Wuhuai is good at using pen and ink thickness, strength to reflect different art forms. The pen and ink dripping, such as flying straight down, Pentium thousands of miles, like a thirsty horse Ben Quan, unstoppable; You can always see and feel the dancing and flying of pen and ink; It is in the Chinese characters "meaning beauty," "sound beauty", "beauty of shape" and "the beauty of pen" under the joint effect, to achieve a brilliant state. Comments on Appreciation · Collection Magazine under the title Melody of Life says: “Each of his works seems to be a string of beating notes singing, It is not only full of rhythm, but also allows the human body to have a visual and spiritual resonance. Reflect the beauty of the natural world in the works, full of fun, vitality and appreciation” 。 It was recently learned that Mr. Huang Wuhuai was invited by the Administration Bureau of the Great Hall of The People in the autumn of 2011. His works were collected in the Hall and a certificate was issued. This shows the influence of his calligraphy attainments.


  Mr. Huang Wuhuai is a sincere artist. His works show people's understanding of life and the search for beauty. His calligraphy is the kind of unforgettable, in the knot word composition, he gives engaged in calligraphy a lot of inspiration; In the inheritance and continuation of calligraphy spirit, his many aspects are worthy of the younger generation of calligraphers to learn from. Endow the writing of Chinese characters with infinite vitality with incomparably powerful creativity. People are willing to meditate, wander and soar between the lines full of vitality. Mr. Huang Wuhuai can use simple and gentle emotion to express the spirit of the times, so that it radiates a melodious, elegant and vibrant atmosphere, It has become a classic of our times to strike at the heart of people in a warm and clear way, thus hitting a wonderful echo of the heart.


  Chinese calligraphy pays attention to the content of writing to be consistent with the calligrapher's spirit, condensed in the end of the pen, flowing in pen, so that the works form an organic whole from font to writing content. The calligrapher appeals to emotion in creation, endow poetry with vivid sensual enjoyment, just like a picture on the paper, is the so-called "book to the extreme book like painting, painting to the point of painting like a book"; The ancients said "painting and calligraphy homologous" is also this truth. That is to see the calligraphers carry out the ancient historical track, but also to examine the broad mind. In the history of calligraphy, everyone has a unique and distinct style of writing, character, personality to build the world, from this point of view, Mr. Huang Wuhuai is well deserved.
