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【与党同心 与国同行】中国书画领航巅峰人物——李尧臣

国际教育信息网 2021-01-14


李尧臣 ( 墨石 ),朝阳楼主人,现为莱州市文化馆副馆长,烟台市美术家协会理事,山东青年书画院高级书画师,山东画院高级画师,山东书协会员,中国汉画艺术研究院研究员,中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会会员,中外名人文化研究会学术委员会顾问,中国楹联协会书法艺术研究会书画专家。先后师承戴淑娟、崔辉、王阔海先生研习书画,并取得可喜成绩。首创竹叶石画法,深入生活,表现生活,从生活中发现素材,抓住全国独有的莱州竹叶石特色,利用现代泼墨、泼彩技巧,初步形成了自己与汉画形式表现相近的艺术符号,用其点缀画面富有新意,实属首创,得到中国新汉画艺术研究院院长、中国美术家协会理事、中国国家机关美协主席王阔海先生的充分肯定。1986 年,国画《海鲜美酒献英雄》入选老山魂全军书画展。1995 年,为《解放军报》题写“军地两用人才”刊头。

Li Yaochen (graphite) , owner of the Chaoyang Building, is currently deputy curator of the Lai Châu Cultural Museum, Director of the Yantai Artists Association, senior calligrapher of the Shandong Youth Academy of Calligraphy and painting, senior calligrapher of the Shandong Academy of painting, member of the Shandong Calligraphy Association, and Research Fellow of the Chinese Han Painting Art Academy, he is a member of the new literary group of Chinese calligraphers and painters working committee of the Chinese calligraphers and Painters Association, a consultant of the academic committee of the Chinese and Foreign Celebrities Culture Research Association, and an expert in calligraphy and painting of the calligraphy and Art Research Association of the Chinese Couplet Association. He has studied calligraphy and painting under Dai Shujuan, Cui Hui and Wang kuo-hai, and has achieved gratifying results. He invented the bamboo-leaf-stone painting method, which went deep into life and expressed life. He found materials from life, grasped the unique characteristics of bamboo-leaf-stone in Laizhou, and made use of modern splash-ink and splash-color techniques to initially form his own artistic symbols similar to those of Han painting, it is the first of its kind to embellish the paintings, and has been fully recognized by Mr. Wang Kuo-hai, president of the Chinese Academy of New Han painting, director of the China Artists Association and Chairman of the Chinese state organs of the United States. In 1986, the Chinese painting "Seafood Wine Heroes" was selected Laoshanhun military painting exhibition. In 1995, he wrote the title of "military and local dual-use talents" for the PLA Daily.








1999 年,国画《秋韵》入选庆祝建国五十周年山东省美术作品展览。2000 年,书法对联荣获全国书画大赛金奖。2002 年,被中国文联批准授予“德艺双馨艺术家”称号。2006——2007 年,5 件大写意花鸟作品入编河北美术出版社《中国牡丹画库》《荷花画谱》《竹雀谱》《新编花鸟图谱》等丛书,面向全国发行。2011 年,作品《国画竹雀鸣唱》《现代象形榜书》分别入编中国文联出版社出版的《当代画竹精品力作集粹》、世界艺术家协会出版的《世界艺术家名作典藏》等大型书画辞书。2016 年 9 月作品《游击战》入选《纪念中国工农红军长征胜利 80 周年全省群文优秀美术作品展》。2017 年 8 月作品《富贵大吉》荣获第三届“环渤海风采——京津冀鲁辽中国画作品邀请展”优秀奖,并在 5 省市巡回展出。2017 年 12 月作品《富贵牡丹》入选第十届全国优秀当代花鸟画家作品集。近几年,对现代象形榜书的探索有了浓厚的兴趣,深受王阔海恩师“汉画魂”的熏陶感染,以画入书,以书入画,书画并进,相得益彰,渐臻化境,实现了科学与艺术的完美结合。如榜“龙”“鹤”“舞”“道”“博爱”“鬼手”可见一斑。

PICTOGRAPHS, dragons, cranes

In 1999, the traditional Chinese painting "Autumn Rhyme" was selected to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Shandong Art Works Exhibition. In 2000, the couplet won the gold medal in the national calligraphy and painting competition. In 2002, the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art approved the award of "dual-xin artist" title. From 2006 to 2007, five freehand flower-and-bird works were published in Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House, such as Chinese Peony Painting Library, Lotus painting spectrum, Bamboo Sparrow Spectrum and newly compiled flower-and-bird Atlas. In 2011, his works "the song of the Chinese Painting Bamboo Sparrow" and "the book of Modern Pictograph" are included in such large dictionaries as "the collection of excellent works of contemporary bamboo painting" and "the collection of famous works of the world artists" published by the World Artists Association. In September 2016, her work "guerrilla warfare" was selected into the "excellent art works exhibition commemorating the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March" . In August 2017, her work "prosperity and prosperity" won the excellent award of the 3rd Invitational Exhibition of Chinese paintings around the Bohai Sea -- Foshan, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong and Liaoning, and was exhibited in 5 provinces and cities. December 2017 work "Rich Peony" selected in the 10th National Outstanding Contemporary Flower and bird painter works. In recent years, there has been a strong interest in the exploration of modern pictographic books, deeply influenced by Wang kuo-hai-en's "the soul of painting in Han Dynasty" , the perfect combination of science and art. Such as "Dragon" , "Crane" , "dance" , "Tao" , "fraternity" , "ghost hand" can be seen.













王阔海老师点评:中国花鸟画之大家巨匠者首推八大山人者,此谓中国画坛中魔鬼与巨匠之间之人物,以其辉煌成就而彪炳千秋。继之后起者,乃吴昌硕斯人、白石之辈,各以其独到之艺术体格昭示后人,且各具特色。白石者一笔成画,固尔明快,昌硕者复笔成画也,固厚重之风畅然。固尔大师之间只有风格之别,没有高下之分哉 ! 吾爱徒尧臣习两家之风而情怀独到,可谓笔精墨妙,可喜可贺 !

Wang Kuohai teacher comments: Chinese flower-and-bird Painting Master Master of the First Eight Mountain people, this is the Chinese painting between the devil and the giant figure, with its brilliant achievements and distinguished. After the rise of the people, is Wu Changshuo, Baishi's generation, each with its unique artistic physique to show posterity, and each has its own characteristics. White stone into a painting, solid bright, Changshuo into a painting, solid thick wind smooth. There is no difference between Gurus except in style! My Beloved Tu Yaochen was inspired by the style of the two families and his unique sentiments!




















【与党同心 与国同行】中国书画领
【与党同心 与国同行】中国书画领

