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【与党同心 与国同行】中国书画领航巅峰人物——沈志昂

国际教育信息网 2021-01-14



Shen Zhi 'ang, born in 1952, Han nationality, born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. Influenced by his family since childhood, he loved calligraphy. Mr. Shen Zhi 'ang's works are old-fashioned, free-flowing, elegant, vigorous, harmonious, seamless, interesting and beautiful. His works have won many championships in international and national competitions, and won high attention from relevant leaders and art circles. He has made outstanding achievements in calligraphy art and won honors for the country.





His works have been exhibited and collected in the Louvre Museum in France, new york in the United States, Japan, South Korea and the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Collected by the National Museum, National Library and other collection agencies. Won the honorary titles of "Top Ten Military and Civilian Artists", "National Treasure Artists", "Top 100 Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters", "Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters in Shengshi", "Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters in Virtue and Art" and "Touching Chinese Outstanding Meritorious Painters and Painters".




法度严谨师碑帖 正大气象写正宗——记著名书法家沈志昂

Rigorous Dharma, Authentic Inscription —— A Record of Shen Zhi 'ang, a Famous Calligrapher


Calligraphy, as an artistic treasure of Chinese culture, needs to be passed down by law and innovated in ink and brush, so as to make new aesthetic attainments with the times. Mr. Shen Zhi 'ang, a famous contemporary calligrapher, was influenced by family art and loved calligraphy art since childhood. His calligraphy inherited the classics, took the inscription as the criterion and cultivated the authenticity. The pen and ink are in one go, running through the top and bottom, being freely retracted, with proper density, which actually has the charm of authentic calligraphy. His works have won many championships in many competitions and are widely collected, which has achieved a high artistic status. He is famous for both virtue and art in the art world. Su Shizhu, chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, feels his attainments are extraordinary, and he once made a long essay to give him a good reputation. It can be seen that his calligraphy works have entered the mainstream, and he is by no means a layman.





His calligraphy involves regular script, running script, cursive script, etc., and he gains attainments when he understands the subtleties of each style. The technique is professional, and there are many books but not miscellaneous ones, which makes it a big deal to deal with many advantages. To watch his works, we should give attention to both the model and the line, reject the operator state, and do not lose the flying form. The square music of pen and ink has a certain degree of retraction and extension, and it is easy to take advantage of the trend. The charm of running script is very rich. The structure layout is elegant, wide and upright. If it is flowing, the center of gravity is placed accurately, and the situation of dragon playing with water is still the same. Lian Bi's writing is very free and easy, which makes people feel vivid and amazing! The writing is rigorous, and none of them are taken lightly. There is no word that shows the exquisite technique of meaning, and the charm of harmony and elegance in running script.





Shen Zhi 'ang's calligraphy is also his self-cultivation mood. If the pen and ink are separated from the state of mind, there will be less meaning in writing, and the essence will be lost. Therefore, his cursive script embodies the spiritual realm of heart and soul in the transformation of black and white, point and line. The temperament is refined, the pen and ink are extraordinary, there is flying smoothness in honesty, and there is no ambiguity in writing in soundness. The cursive lines are extremely tense and never lose the elegant style. A book is like a prairie horse, which is unrestrained and lightly galloping. The pen wields Medog, which has both relaxed and elegant style and magnificent and bold god, is smooth and upright, vigorous and implicit, harmonious in mind and spirit, and combines hardness and softness in writing. It adheres to the mind and follows the Heaven, and the fallen flowers and snow are boundless. It fluctuates within one stroke, and it is a powerful home to show the soul of cursive script.





Nothing can be gained from pen and ink. His regular script is close to four regular scripts, which are integrated, with European model as the core, Yan Kai as the bones and muscles, absorbing all the wonderful ones, and using the pen exquisitely. Every time you see the writing, it is smooth, clean, natural, effective, and smooth. There is a Fang Bi, with a round pen, flexible scheduling and myriad manners. The structure is called from left to right, looking at it, tightening on left and stretching on right, standing upright as the main stem, being dangerous and skillful on all sides, impeccable in composition, fair in weather and clear at a glance.





Rigorous teacher's inscription, authentic weather writing. Calligraphy is not only a contest between strokes and paintings, but also a spiritual sustenance and cultural resonance. Calligraphy has been the road of mind since ancient times. Only by knowing the Dharma and the way of calligraphy can we realize that the true Dharma sends the culture of writing mind. With profound cultural accomplishment, sharpening calligraphy and adhering to the responsibility of inheriting culture, Mr. Shen Zhi 'ang has mastered the law and learned the spirit, and the book is like a person. This is the case, and everyone's style is clear at a glance!



Famous Painting and Calligraphy Review Tian Jixue

March 16, 2020




















【与党同心 与国同行】中国书画领
【与党同心 与国同行】中国书画领

