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【与党同心 与国同行】中国书画领航人物——刘凤仙

国际教育信息网 2021-01-15



Liu Fengxian is a famous Chinese artist, Born in 1942. I loved art since I was a child. I used to be an art teacher for many years. Under the guidance of Master Huang Zhou, I studied painting theory and techniques for decades. I worked hard, focusing on flowers and birds, especially good at painting plum and peach. His works are magnificent, fresh and pleasant, festive and contemporary. Because of the all-round development of poetry, books and paintings, it has the reputation of "Oriental talented woman",She is a well-known female painter at home and abroad.




刘凤仙女士,为国务院机关事务管理局退休老干部 ,曾在四十余个艺术组织担任名誉主席、名誉院长、荣誉馆长、副主席、院士、顾问、研究员、客座教授、理事等职务。在联合国召开的“中美品牌大会”唯一命名的知名国礼画家。她多次在国内外举办个人展览,数十次参加全国及国际性书画大展大赛并屡获大奖,曾多次获特等奖、金奖、银奖、二等奖、优秀奖、特别荣誉奖、特殊贡献奖、功勋奖、最佳创作奖等。毛体书法曾获特等奖、优秀奖等一百多个奖项和荣誉。曾获联合国举办的“世界和平书画大赛金奖”为世界金奖艺术家。因成绩卓著被授予“共和国艺术百杰”、“世界艺术家”、“书画艺术大师”、“东方才女”、“当代书画界新领军人物”、“优秀人民艺术家”等称号。

Ms. Liu Fengxian, a retired veteran cadre of the Administration Bureau of State Council, has served as honorary chairman, honorary president, honorary curator, vice-chairman, academician, consultant, researcher, visiting professor and director of more than 40 art organizations. A well-known national ceremony painter named only for the "China-US Brand Conference" held at the United Nations. She has held many individual exhibitions at home and abroad, participated in dozens of national and international calligraphy and painting exhibitions, and won numerous awards, including special prize, gold prize, silver prize, second prize, excellent prize, special honor award, special contribution award, meritorious service award, best creation award, etc. Mao calligraphy has won more than 100 awards and honors, such as special prize, excellent prize, etc. He won the Gold Award in the World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Competition organized by the United Nations. For the world gold medal artist. With outstanding achievements, he was awarded the titles of "Top 100 Artists of the Republic", "World Artist", "Master of Painting and Calligraphy", "Oriental Talent", "New Leader in Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy" and "Excellent People Artist".





His works are included in "Who's Who in the World", "A Generation of Famous Artists", "Famous Calligraphers in the Twentieth Century", "Dictionary of Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Professors", "History of Chinese Art", "Yearbook of Chinese Art Education for Centennial Years", "Art Treasures of the Republic", "China's Nine Palace-level Artists", "Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters", "Chinese Powerful Painters" and "Great Plum Painters" He is the author of Liu Fengxian's Painting and Calligraphy Art, Liu Fengxian's Paintings Collection, Liu Fengxian's Appreciation of Chinese Painting, Famous Painter Liu Fengxian's Chinese Painting Album {CD}, Saint Confucianism-Famous Chinese Painting Master Liu Fengxian's Art Paintings Collection, (Special Stamp of Famous Chinese Culture Masters), 100 Poems by Liu Fengxian, and the novella Dreamcatcher Studying, etc. His works are favored and collected by national leaders, business circles, art circles, museums, friends at home and abroad, and painting and calligraphy lovers. Because of both virtue and art, he has become an artist who is deeply welcomed and loved by the people.





Plum blossoms in Liu Fengxian's works are vivid in charm, natural in ink style, magnificent in frost and snow, with crisp branches and vigorous and rugged. Shoutao, full, fruity, leafy, vivid and unique, is a must. Her two kinds of paintings are bold and unrestrained, fresh and elegant with ink, overflowing with cold fragrance, full of juice, graceful lines, dignified and thick branches, and her other works are also quite skillful. Because of this, they are often called' heroes among women'.





Liu Fengxian's creation, learning from the ancient rather than the mud ancient, inherits and does not copy, but firmly grasps the connection between natural animals and plants and people's lives, thoughts and emotions to give enhanced expression. Focus on the stippling and description of spirit, soul and rhyme, and pay attention to the concept expression of beauty and goodness. To convey the vitality of flowers and birds and their different characteristics with "moving to life and quality", and to emphasize the pleasurable effect of "taking advantage of nature and moving spiritual reverie". Through the creation of flower-and-bird paintings, we can express our own interests, sentiments and spiritual life, express our inner thoughts and pursuits, express our feelings with things, and express our aspirations with things.




墨是中国传统书画中的主要元素,浓、重、淡、清、焦,为运墨五色。墨与色的完美结合是每位画家孜孜以求的至高境界。但行笔用墨是绘画艺术的皮肉,而笔中的劲力却是画中的风骨和气韵。刘风仙结合自己的审美情趣大胆创新,不断尝试,使作品中的形貌、骨法、质地、光暗及情态神韵逐步形成了自己的风格。气势磅礴而不失小巧细腻,刚劲老辣而不失自然清新,这正是她绘画作品的写照 。

Ink is the main element in Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy, which is thick, heavy, light, clear and focal, and it is the perfect combination of ink and color, which is the highest state that every painter is striving for. However, ink is the skin of painting art, while the strength of pen is the character and charm of painting. Liu Fengxian boldly innovated and tried constantly in combination with his own aesthetic taste, which gradually formed his own style in appearance, bone texture, lightness and darkness, and modality charm. Magnificent yet small and delicate, vigorous yet natural and fresh, which is the portrayal of her paintings.





Liu Fengxian's creation, meaning to save the pen first, painting to the best of his intentions, bold and unconstrained, far-reaching artistic conception without losing its quietness and freshness, and its plum blossoms are as bright as sunrise or white as Ruixue; Shoutao is delicate and charming or delicate and fragrant, and bursts of dark fragrance seem to jump out of the paper and come to the face, subtly spotting the natural spirituality in the painting, as if calling out the deep echo of the Chinese Millennium culture and interpreting the profound connotation of the ancient art of the Chinese nation.





Liu Fengxian's works, because they are painted with poetry, calligraphy and learning, can be closely combined in expressing feelings, using bone technique, using pens and lines in their creation, and have formed remarkable artistic features.


















